I'm Justin Claypool:
full-time high school English teacher and part-time-wanna-be RPG writer/designer.
I've been playing roleplaying games (off and on) all my life, but several years ago a couple of my students asked me to moderate a D&D Club. I then began to see RPGs through the lens of a literature teacher. Teaching kids how to play (and work together), has made me enjoy the craft of a well-made game, the wonder of a shared story. I found myself driven to improve as a player and a gamemaster. And it wasn't long before I dreamed of creating my own table-top roleplaying game.
As a designer (and as a player) I don't really care about the best class/race/feat/weapon combinations or master-planning through some tactical options on a map (though, all that can be fun). I'm more enticed by interesting characters (and by "interesting" I mean "flawed"). I'm more engaged by tales that have just as many beatdowns as victories and power-ups. Don't "Nat 1's," after all, make for a more memorable RPG playing experience?
Humans love to tell a good story. Our games should, too.
Happy gaming storytelling!
- Justin
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